EuroHockey 5s Championship Men 2024

Pool B


13 - 4 (7 - 2)

Official '


First Half Lithuania Finland 15'
Second Half Lithuania Finland 30'


Team Minute Shirt # Player Action Score
Lithuania 3 13 SINKEVIČIUS Povilas Challenge Goal 1 - 0
Lithuania 6 21 PETKEVIČ Danielius Field Goal 2 - 0
Lithuania 7 9 STANKEVIČ Rafal Field Goal 3 - 0
Lithuania 8 19 JANUKAITIS Lukas Field Goal 4 - 0
Finland 9 16 HIRVIOJA Sampo Challenge Goal 4 - 1
Lithuania 11 13 SINKEVIČIUS Povilas Field Goal 5 - 1
Lithuania 12 10 RIDLAUSKAS Arnas Challenge Goal 6 - 1
Finland 12 14 MAKELA Simo Field Goal 6 - 2
Lithuania 14 13 SINKEVIČIUS Povilas Field Goal 7 - 2
Lithuania 17 10 RIDLAUSKAS Arnas Field Goal 8 - 2
Lithuania 21 14 BURKOT Andžej Field Goal 9 - 2
Lithuania 24 21 PETKEVIČ Danielius Field Goal 10 - 2
Lithuania 25 9 STANKEVIČ Rafal Field Goal 11 - 2
Lithuania 25 9 STANKEVIČ Rafal Field Goal 12 - 2
Finland 26 8 MÄKINEN Tuomas Field Goal 12 - 3
Lithuania 28 13 SINKEVIČIUS Povilas Field Goal 13 - 3
Finland 29 17 DANHIEUX Willem Field Goal 13 - 4

Card Detail

G - Green, Y - Yellow, R - Red
Team Minute Shirt # Player Type Umpire
No cards issued

Match Officials

Role Official
Umpire CARVETH Vivienne (ENG)
Umpire GOOLD Jonathan (WAL)
Reserve Umpire FAIAS Ana (POR)
Scoring Judge SIWIEC Malgorzata (POL)
Timing Judge REDWOOD Ben (ENG)
Technical Officer MORGAN Terry (SCO)

Head to Head Matches

Senior Mens Hockey5s
Competition Details Date/Time Teams Pitch Status Scoreline
EuroHockey 5s Championship Men 2024 Senior Mens Hockey5s 4 Jul 2024 17:40 LTU v FIN (Pool B) Pitch 2 Official 13 - 4 (7 - 2) Lineup
* FIHTMS data is accurate for every match from 2013 until today's date. Historic data from 2012 and earlier is currently in the process of being digitalised by FIH therefore all matches between both nations may not yet be listed. If you notice any inaccuracies with any of the data currently listed, please email

Match Details

Competition EuroHockey 5s Championship Men 2024
Senior Mens Hockey5s
Match # 13
Date/Time 2024-07-04 17:40
Title Pool B
Venue Walcz (POL), Outdoor - Pitch 2
Weather at Pushback Light Rain 14C

Match Awards

Award Player Team